We want to welcome you to the next EuroBSDCon
Friday, October 8, 2010 - Sunday October 10, 2010
Karlsruhe, Germany
We invite you to the event. This will be a great time to learn more about the powerful BSD systems we use everyday and to connect with other developers from Europe and other parts of the world.
The conference will be held at the Best Western Queens Hotel Karlsruhe.
Conference Actvities
- Presentations on a variety of BSD topics
- Half- and/or full-day tutorials for in-depth learning of BSD techniques
- Special Saturday social event (free to attendees of the conference and individual tickets available for others)
- Other special activities including: Birds of a Feather sessions, exams for BSDA certification.
Dates to watch for:
- Now: Early registration begins.
- Soon: Detailed conference schedule available, accommodation recommendations posted.
- October 8th, 2010: Tutorial day
- October 9th, 2010: Conference and social event
- October 10th, 2010: Final conference day